
Resolutions can be hard to keep.

But Cando's here to keep you inspired and on track.


What is Cando's purpose?

Cando is here to help you achieve your goals. It'll remember what yout tell it, check in in with you, motivate you, to help you make forward progress however difficult your goal is. Your hype man, if you will.

How does Cando work?

After authenticating your Google account, Cando, powered by OpenAI's GPT-3.5, will retrieve previous conversations you've had with it, to jog up its memory so it can check-in with you on your progress towards your goals and help you work toward achieving them.

Why do I need to sign in?

Signing in allows me to personalize your experience as Cando will then be able to remember what you talked about, to better help you with whatever your goals are, in a way that best serves you.